Using PGN

Public Goods Network is shutting down.
To claim funds to your L1 address, please follow the steps in Claiming Old Funds.


In this guide, we will discuss how to withdrawal funds from PGN.

There are multiple options to bridge assets from PGN to ETH mainnet or other networks, depending on which token and what network you want to withdraw to.

  • LayerSwap (opens in a new tab) allows users to withdraw or bridge ETH immediately to many other networks, including ETH mainnet, Optimism and Base. There are associated fees, but no L1 gas costs.
  • Minibridge (opens in a new tab) also allows users to withdraw or bridge ETH immediately to other networks, including ETH mainnet and Optimism. THere are associated fees, but no L1 gas costs.
  • Superbridge (opens in a new tab) allows users to withdraw ETH, DAI and GTC to ETH mainnet, and to bundle the entire multistep process into one step. There are L1 costs, and the process is not reversible once the withdrawal has been started.
  • The PGN native bridge (opens in a new tab) also allows users to withdraw ETH, DAI and GTC. There is a 10 day challenge period, L1 gas costs, and the process is not reversible once the withdrawal has been started.

Using the PGN Bridge

Bridging from PGN to Ethereum

When bridging tokens from PGN to Ethereum, your transaction must go through a 7-day challenge period.

This challenge period is important, as it is designed to protect users from fraud. During this period, a user can submit a fault proof to challenge a transaction before it is relayed from the L2 to the L1.

To successfully bridge from PGN to Ethereum, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Submit the withdrawal using the bridge.
  2. Change back to the Ethereum network.
  3. Navigate to the Withdrawals (opens in a new tab) page. You will eventually see your transaction show up with the status, "Waiting for state root".
  4. Within 30 minutes, your transaction status will change to "Ready to prove." Click the "Prove" button to initiate the challenge window.
  5. The transaction status will change to "In challenge period" and will display how much time is left in the period via the "Time left" column.
  6. Once the challenge period is over, the transaction status will change to "Ready to relay". You will need to click the "Finalize" button to relay the transaction to PGN.

At this point, the transaction should say "Relayed", which means that the tokens have successfully been bridged to Ethereum!

To put this process a different way, please refer to the following table:

StepActionStatusWait time
1Submit the transaction to the bridge.
2Change your network to Ethereum
3Navigate to the Withdrawals page.Waiting for state root30 minutes
4Click the "Prove" button to initiate the challenge window.Ready to prove
5Wait for the seven day window to closeIn challenge period7 days
6Click the "Finalize" button to relay the transaction to PGN.Ready to relay

Some key details to understand around the timing of a challenge period:

  • The challenge period ends after 7 days, regardless of whether or not a fault proof has been submitted.
  • If a fault proof is submitted after the challenge period has ended, the challenge will be dismissed.
  • You can only challenge a transaction that you have personally submitted.
  • You cannot challenge a transaction that has already been withdrawn.

You can learn more by reading the Optimism documentation (opens in a new tab) on the subject.

Last updated on